The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134314   Message #3056264
Posted By: Mr Red
18-Dec-10 - 06:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Activia Yoghurt good fer yer guts?
Subject: RE: BS: Activia Yoghurt good fer yer guts?
I read in the New Scientist an article that claimed Yoghurt did not cure thrush - even if taken externally!

Which rather reminds me of two things - the pitfalls of journalism and the lack of holistic reasoning.

Men don't suffer from thrush? Right? Wrong! The fungus lives in all of us, and when the gut flora are out of balance - urine can become excessively acidic. That is when the fungus multiplies to the point that the doctor tells you you have thrush. That doctor doesn't connect the fact that he prescribed penicillin 2/3 weeks ago. Or he doesn't know because the dentist did. Hint - insist on moxicillin.

Now - a lady of this parish said to me (don't ask) "I can tell when thrush is about to attack, so I eat yoghurt and all is fine"

And you know - since that year (with a tell-tale lapse due to complacency) I have had no pre-cursor symptoms and a lot of yoghurt.
A sample of two is hardly scientific but then misuse of the English language isn't either.

My point (apart from the uses of yoghurt)?

Cure is not the only answer.
Prevention is also efficacious, all it needs is diligence.