The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100061   Message #3056373
18-Dec-10 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: Water Wallflower & Brickwall Waterfall
Subject: RE: Water Wallflower & Brickwall Waterfall
Okay, so I heard my 6 year old daughter reciting parts of this last night. I thought it was some modern pop song or something, I'm surprised to find that it's a folk rhyme. She would have learned it at school, as we don't listen to pop radio very much, and I've never seen it in any of the movies she's watched here.

Anyway, she didn't recite the whole thing, but she said a few lines:

"BOOM! with an attitu-ude"

And this rather interesting variation:

"Reeses pieces, Mac and Cheesy."

Note that Mac and Cheesy refers to Macaroni and Cheese, which is a quite popular dish among U.S. children (and parents). Kraft is the largest producer of the 'instant' version, although most people I know around her make it homemade.

This is similar to a rhyme she came home with last year, or maybe the year before (although that would have been pre-school): "Easy, Peasey, Mac and Cheesy." Which brings me back to the Pease Porridge rhyme mentioned above, but I think that might be a coincidence. "Easy Peasey" comes from my childhood at least, as rhyming slang for something that's easy to do.

Although I don't see in this thread if it's been cited to earlier than Dickie Roberts, that movie isn't very well known, and it's PG-13 so not for kids. I doubt that very many of the kids in my daughter's class have seen it. I suppose that hasn't stopped things from getting into children's folklore before though (remembering all of the Nightmare on Elm Street stuff from my childhood).

Anyway, demographics:
My daughter is 6 years old and goes to a small Catholic school in a rural unincorporated community east of Lake Winnebago.