The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134361   Message #3056467
Posted By: Rapparee
18-Dec-10 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Car kit for snow
Subject: RE: BS: Car kit for snow
For Christmas, I wish that all of the drivers who "think they can" in snow and ice would just stay home. I've driven in heavy snow, ice, and extreme cold for better than 40 years now and I don't take chances (or shortcuts).

I've BEEN stranded in a car in snow and it ain't one bit funny. Fortunately, we had topped off the tank a few miles before we were stopped. Ever since we've carried "winter kits" in each car -- and a "space blanket" traps the moisture your body naturally gives off, so don't bundle up tightly in one or your clothes will become wet. You can pick up a military-surplus mostly-wool blanket for a few dollars (pounds, lira, whatever).

If I were to list the bare minimum it would be mobile phone, blanket of some sort, energy bars or something similar, a flashlight, a small shovel, toilet paper, matches, a metal cup, and something to read. Of course, everything varies from country to country and even from terrain to terrain. Planes flying the Alaska bush (including Alaska Airlines) are required to carry survival gear, which includes firearms and ammunition (for signaling and to hunt food if necessary).

I don't keep a gun in my car but then I don't go off into the wilds in the Winter, either.