The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134366   Message #3057269
Posted By: The Sandman
19-Dec-10 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: Review: Froots cd reviews
Subject: RE: Review: Froots cd reviews
jack campin is[ judging from his post] just the sort of person who should not do reviews, he immediately comes across with a subjective opinion of others perfomance and material., and somewhere else has posted some thing about people that annoy him, and how it affects his perception of them, a reviewer should try and make a judgement of the music purely on the merit of the music, and let personality judgements cloud his review
a reviewer in my opinion should be able to have some degree of objectivity
The problem as I see it, is that most reviewers are amateurish, a professional critic like Michael Grosvenor Myer is unusual.
can i make it clear that I am talking about reviews in general, I am not talking about reviews in froots specifically ,or reviews of my own recordings, the last review that i bothered to send froots was Boxing Clever and the review was complimentary[ available from the Button Box and my website]
provocative journalism, interesting, it may sell copy, but it is not necessarily the best way of promoting roots music, dissing other peoples creativity, either because the reviewer has a personal axe to grind or because the reviewer loves to indulge in purple prose, is not in the best interests of the music scene[i am not referring to Froots magazine or inferring that froots does this, i am referrring to other magazines and other reviewers].
   I know that if I ever sent a recording to the guy whose name I am not allowed to mention on this forum, my recording would not be reviewed impartially, because said person hates my guts, now is that healthy, does that give a fair idea to a prospective buyer?
no it does not, it would be amateuruish because a professional reviewer, should be able to put personal differences aside, and show some degree of objectivity