The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133881   Message #3058467
Posted By: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)
21-Dec-10 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ireland-What happened?
Subject: RE: BS: Ireland-What happened?
I agree up to a point, Bonnie, but I also think that once you look past the immediate fiscal crisis there are longer-term, more fundamental issues of how the country is governed. This isn't particularly a party issue. It's more to do with the mechanisms of government itself. Economically, the measures proposed seem to me to be inevitably deflationary to the extent that even if the deficit is reduced to the proportions the IMF wants, then once that happens the country will be so impoverished that it won't be able to begin developing again. In the meantime many of the best and brightest young minds will once again be lost. I don't have any more answers than anyone else but the idea of the government of the country carrying on as normal as per the current system when (or if) the current fiscal crisis is 'resolved' seems unlikely to me. I think what with the financial crisis, the collapse of trust in politicians and political institutions and (let's not forget) the massive psychological and moral trauma highlighted by the Ryan report last year then for me, all the assumptions about what sort of country and society Ireland is and has been have been called into question. I think it may be a while before we see anything resembling answers emerging but for me, a decentralised, federal system of government is at least worth looking at. People have seen how a centralised, Dublin-based state has failed. This presents as much of an opportunity as a problem.