The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134457   Message #3058578
Posted By: Bill D
21-Dec-10 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Memory loss.
Subject: RE: BS: Memory loss.
I use a program to keep passwords...(of course I would! ☺)... you need ONE password. Of course, you DO need to remember to put them in it.

It is not restricted to internet passwords... I have a safe combination, several registration codes for software...just in case something happens to corrupt the program... and odd numbers I might need.

as to the password to open the password program, it is not something that makes 'sense', but just a keyboard typing 'qwertyuiop' backwards..or all the vowels twice.

...and yes...about a year ago, *I* blanked out on my PIN # for my bank that I'd used for 7-8 years! Some other # got in the way and I panicked and it took me 2 days to sort it out, so now PIN# is in the program also.


But... I still remember the first 4 license tag #s for my parents cars when we moved to Kansas in 1947...and MY first tag when I learned to drive!...and our phone # from New Orleans in 1946... and all the books of the Old Testament in order.
Those old memories got 'preferred spots' in the brain cells, and new what threads on Mudcat I have recently posted to...have to cling by their fingernails to the edges of crowded ledges. (Thank goodness for "messages since last visit"!)