The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346 Message #3058758
Posted By: maeve
21-Dec-10 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Thank you for your thoughtful offer, Mary. We'll keep you posted in that regard.
The builder & crew are setting up the wooden I-joists, giving a base upon which the plywood subfloor will be built. Girder and concrete filled lolly columns are already placed. I'll go out for more photos.
Whenever I go out there I return with 25 pounds of clay attached to my boots. After a year of excavation, I always find myself watching for pottery shards too. Found a good one from some 1870's English china this morning. Brown transfer ware with sailing ships and a border of ships' lines(rope) circling around.The pattern name escapes me at the moment.