The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14268   Message #306168
Posted By: Cap't Bob
26-Sep-00 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: Favorite Fall Songs
Subject: RE: Favorite Fall Songs
I just finished reading/rereading the posts from last year and the new ones from this year. Many great songs. We just had our first real frost/freeze of the year a couple of days ago so I made my last harvesting trip to the garden and picked tomatoes that still had a ways to go. Like MAG'S post from last year "Tomatoes on the windowsill, they go from green to red" ~ then there the wood room still needing about six more cord to get us through the winter. Unfortunately a yearly tradition (we started last year) involving apples and a cider press will not come to pass this year due to an unusually warm spell during March and April that brought out the apple blossoms and then a cold snap in May that took care of the apple crop in northern Michigan.

The sumac is on fire around these parts and Art that Hot Buttered Rum sounds real good along about now.

Cap't Bob