The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134568   Message #3061811
Posted By: Bat Goddess
27-Dec-10 - 01:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: ...looks like snow for many
Subject: RE: BS: ...looks like snow for many
It was spitting light stuff when I left work Sunday at 5, but more and bigger flakes as I headed west towards Nottingham. Enough idiots on the road plus decreased visibility from swirling snow that I went straight home without stopping for an errand that wasn't a necessity.

Must be the atmospheric pressure that's causing my knee (whole damned leg!) to just ache despite Rx topical meds, ingested analgesics, etcet etcet.

Bed at 9. Woke up at 11. Woke up at 12:30. Still awake. Raging blizzard out there -- wind howling. I'm here at the computer with an extra shirt thrown over my nightgown and a thick flannel sheet wrapped around my feet, legs and lap. It's pretty damned windy HERE, too!

Tom curmudged when he came to bed. I reminded him: It's the end of December, almost January. This IS New England, you know. Snow and blizzards are what happens in winter in New Hampshuh. (We were lucky last year.) Snow, however, is over rated, I think.

Was joined in my lying in bed wakefulness by a very needy, purring cat. She'll probably be there vibrating and insisting on petting when I return. Wish me luck on getting back to sleep!
