The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346   Message #3062592
Posted By: maeve
28-Dec-10 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Against all odds, walls are going up. I had reckoned that no building could be done for quite a while with close to 24" of snow drifted all over into 3 foot drifts and the strong winds continuing throughout today.

TL and I rose at 2 AM and headed out to tackle the drifts in case the crew showed up to work. Six hours of shoveling and snow blowing later, the crew arrived and began shoveling off what snow remained on the floor and around the wall stacks.

TL got out the tractor and cleared some off-road parking. We don't have chains for the tires, so it takes careful maneuvering to not get stuck on the slick areas. I had to head inside to get warm and dry; difficult in the present situation.

Looking out the camper window, I see 9 sections up (about 1/4 of the circle) and braced on the windward side. That area can block the wind, allowing them to get the rest in place, leveled, and nailed in with less chance of frostbite.

We'll have a lovely view out the Northwesterly bedroom.