The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134534   Message #3063721
Posted By: My guru always said
30-Dec-10 - 07:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thank you Santa - Christmas 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you Santa - Christmas 2010
At last, a few minutes to myself and time to confess that JACQUI.C was MY Secret Santa *grin*

And what a wonderful lots of goodies I received from her! I can't begin to describe my delight on opening all the wonderful gifts that Jacqui had so thoughtfully provided and wrapped for me. I have been soooo spoilt - It was a wonderful experience and I understand that Micca has photos of the whole sequence of events!!

AND how devious is my Santa? When we met while she was this side of the pond she gave me a huge box to give to Micca on Christmas Day. Well, after her reminder phone call he opened the box and promptly gave the contents back to me! How devious is that? Jacqui strikes again *grin*

The list of her thoughtful gifts is almost endless and all shall be treasured but the hightlights were:

a delicate black Jacqui shawl
a beautiful embroidered bag for my cross-stich work to live in
5, yes 5 pairs of lovely earrings, all with spirals!
a fabulous Hometown collection calendar

and although I was already pretty sure, to top it all off I now have Kendall's CD - Seagulls and Summer People.

What a spoilt Santee I have been, thank you so much Sister Jacqui!!!