The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134630   Message #3064036
Posted By: wysiwyg
30-Dec-10 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Welcome 2011: Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome 2011: Declutter & Accountability
SRS, the folks who were missed can and will post their "props." Breathe! :~) If they's not posted of late it's no wonder they din't come to mind right off. Either they'z organized more and writ less.... or they'z not organizin' right now.

I also built Dog World, organized a home skewl for Presbyterae, started a comprehensive multicultural ed/anti-racism program, and still house the last bits-to- distribute of a regional ministry resource library. These last three items together constitute a frosh-to-master's level religious studies/theologikal kollidge for self-directed adult learners, in addition to a little Gay Clergy Spouses Network a-borning. (I MAY have organized a diocese!)

And I learned how to run a BIG website, and how to Slow Down, LOL.
And how to use tools at hand to keep my HEAD organized.

KISS, TBTG, and eat my dust!,
