The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134627   Message #3064165
Posted By: Jeri
30-Dec-10 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: Sing for Spaw 31 12 2010 at noon and/or midnight
Subject: RE: BS: Set Time for a Concerted Sing for Spaw?
Here's a YouTube of a guy ("TorontoLarrivee")singing New Morning.

Kat, I hope what I said came across the way I meant it. It's an emotional time, and I don't know if there's any song that would matter that wouldn't make a person leak a little. There were several Dylan songs I listened to that got to me. Frankly, there were none that didn't unless they were angry ones.

I'm personally getting a bit tired of the silliness. Once in a while, it's funny. All the time and it loses its "charm". When it stops being about our friend and starts being about "Hey! Look at ME! Ain't I cute!" it feels opportunistic and just plain wrong. We all may be a bit ragged.

I'm ok with bobad's suggestion. Just gotta learn the tune.