The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133745   Message #3065352
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Jan-11 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Delusion delusion.
Subject: RE: BS: The Delusion delusion.
Not in an argumentative spirit:

Well, I guess, Steve, that you really didn't want your proof..otherwise, you go at least make an attempt to get it. Then you try to point to some 'scientific'(?) reason to explain it all away. Hmm, doesn't sound like much 'science' is within you...if it was, you'd go investigate all the possibilities...such as people who are truly into science do.
Still, I cannot do anything for you, that you are closed off, in your mind to really do...fair enough?
In that case, your closed off mind, is a block, to processing information....not only of this, but other things as well...and truly, that is a shame!
'Intelligence' is the ability to processes information...and yet, fear, and pride, prevents this area, and others as well, I'm sure. The loss is yours....By the way, I'd lay odds, that your music, and performance, suffers from the same blockages.
Ever make mistakes, while playing in front of people because of 'self-consciousness??? Fear, and pride do that. Time to grow?

Think about it.