The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134693   Message #3066323
Posted By: Bill D
03-Jan-11 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism
Kent's post last night says..."I was raised as an Ancient Earth Creationist, believing that Genesis is true...etc"

That is the crucial part. He says now that he is/has changed to be a YEC rather than an AEC, but he has always 'believed' in the creationist part.

How folks were raised and that early childhood 'setting' of basic beliefs is hard to overcome, as they seldom question the 'whether' Creationism is correct, but only rearrange the 'how' aspects.

There is very little one can do to debate someone who has not asked and seemingly does not intend to ask 'whether'.... That choice is ...oh... about 93.0165% emotional and subjective. (sure..I made up a statistic, but it 'feels' about right.)

Kent has made it almost clear that moving from AEC to YEC is mostly a matter of deciding that **since** he accepts that we are all decended from Noah...or whatever others were on 'the Ark'..., geology and anthropology and DNA data MUST be reinterpreted to fit that model.
   It is one of the consequences of having a brain large enough to have 'free will', that we are also able to hold multiple contradictory thoughts at the same time, and to rationalize that very ability.

I repost for the 3 or 4th time a story I have told before:
..I kinda envy those who just say "Oh, I like THIS answer...I'll just believe it from now on, and avoid all that tedious thinking and juggling."

There was a cartoon strip called "Hagar the Horrible", about a silly Viking type with very modern problems. One Sunday saw him visiting the local wizard, Dr. Zook, who had a huge stone ring leaning against the wall, (like that 'money' on Yap Island).

"What's this?", asks Hagar.
"That's my new scientific measuring device." replys Dr. Zook, "Step in!" Hagar squirms into the center of the stone ring....

"More...hunch down...squeeze tighter..." Zook says, as Hagar tries to cram himself into the tight space. Finally, he is in, awkwardly peering out at the pleased wizard.

"There!", says Dr. Zook with authority, "You are exactly 5 feet tall!"