The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134704   Message #3067371
Posted By: Bobert
04-Jan-11 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Americans are truly stupid
Subject: RE: BS: Americans are truly stupid
Righto... Justin Beiber ain'[t nuthin'... Nuthin'!!! But that what they want ***US*** to have... They are just shovelin' shit down our throats...

Now I know that folks like Bill D and most of the folks here are way above Justin BarbiDoll and McDonalds because we came up in a time where thinkin' was not the enemy...

Those days are G.O.N.E.!!!

As for what I would teach in schools... The truth, fir starters... Here in Virginia the history books are filled with revisionist crap... And are we teaching art anymore??? Not likely... Music??? Not really unless you call the monkey-can-learn-it marching band stuff... And literature??? Nope... Really, we aren't educating our kids... We are training them... Not much more... Just like Skinner's rats... Not much more...

And to top it off we are now in our 3rd decade of right winged bashing of "elites" (i.e. educated)... Here tonight on the news is this Tea Party Repub "car dealer" comin' to D.C. as an elected Congressman... Just what we need... A fucking car salesman thinkin' he can run the show... Great... What next???

Beam me up, Scotty... The inmates are running the show...
