The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #3067419
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
04-Jan-11 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!

John King comments:
Headingley Cricket Ground get a live music licence... but are limited to three events a year and (if the report is accurate) a limit of 65 dB.

They objected on the grounds of noise, public nuisance, mass drinking in the community and light pollution.

Lee Davidson, chairman of the Turnways and Laurel Bank Residents' Association, said there would be a 'major expansion of mass drinking' and rowdiness in a residential area which would 'degrade the quality of life' for families and older residents'. He told the Civic Hall meeting:

"We accept the sporting activities at the stadium, but the alcohol, noise and litter nuisance from concerts would be totally inappropriate for that part of Headingley."

Other residents said that restricting the number of events could be 'the thin edge of the wedge'.

Leeds council's environment protection unit also objected and said residents would be 'adversely affected' by noise and the council's planning department said the plans contravened a planning approval for the site which was there to protect nearby householders from noise.

Once again and without a note being played, all non amplified live music which is very unlikely to cause any noise pollution is limited or prevented.

Not sure if the cricketing public (and trumpet player) are limited to making live music for their own enjoyment on the three occasions allowed by the new licence? Would the stands be considered as being provided for that purpose and require licensing permission as Entertainment Facilities?