The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346 Message #3067468
Posted By: Janie
04-Jan-11 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Clearly, constructing a yurt is in many ways as with any other house. The exterior walls, floor and roof go up like "Bob's yer uncle!", and the interior work goes on....and on....and on.
Still, a significant "new beginning," though that is not quite the right way to describe it. It represents moving forward along a different route than first plotted toward the fruition of a long envisioned dream.
As with Nancy, I also really appreciate you sharing this journey with us. Most of us who are posting are a good bit older than you and TL. I think we have a better appreciation than you may realize of your situation and the hard work still ahead. I hope you will understand the excitement and enthusiasm we express as being the only way we know to offer support digitally, since we can't show up for a "barn raising." Please do not misapprehend that as a lack of comprehension. Hear it as admiration and support for the choices you are making to live a life committed to your core values, even when doing that makes the present harder than choosing an easier, softer way.
My inner mother-hen just wants you to find a way to be able to get warm and stay that way when you need to:>)