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Thread #133745   Message #3067592
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Jan-11 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Delusion delusion.
Subject: RE: BS: The Delusion delusion.
It's amazing how some people think that there's something about us atheists that exempts us from going to bed. Oh well. As you live in the UK, Mike, I'm surprised that you would even consider joining in with that piece of stupidity. I don't know where Sanity is, but it clearly isn't on this planet.

Steve Shaw: "'Intelligence' is the ability to processes information...
Sez who?"

Well being as you are so bent on people 'proving' the unseen, such as God, or that they might have had an experience with God, right?, and you seem to not agree that "'Intelligence' is the ability to processes information..." then its time for you to PROVE that there is intelligence, and/or you have had an experience with it. Go ahead..We're all waiting!!!!

I have £2.99 digital watch that can process information. I think I bought it on Bury Market. If you want to come up with a definition of "intelligence" you're going to have to improve considerably on that abject attempt above. Frankly, I personally can't be arsed. As for the other bit of your highly lucid post, well I think, if you'll excuse me y'all, that I'm going to have to shout here, as Guest ex-Sanity has a major cloth-ears problem. So, ahem, sharp intake: FOR THE TWO MILLIONTH TIME, I DO NOT WANT YOU OR ME OR ANYBODY ELSE TO PROVE ANYTHING. You can't prove there's a God and I can't prove there isn't a God. It is not possible now, either way, and never will be. I'm not interested in proof either way. I am interested in evidence. Is that clear now? There is a difference you know. Kindly do not tell me again to prove something or that I want proof, otherwise I might have to get very very very cross indeed.

As for people who say they've had experiences with God, etc., I fear they are all deluded. They are not deluded about doing their shopping in Asda, or in supporting Chelsea (though they're getting close there...), or in opining that George Bush is one of the biggest bellends on the planet, or in backing Silverheels in the 3.15 at Haydock Park. You can be deluded about one thing in your life without necessarily being in a general state of overall delusion. I'm sticking to that, even though the deludees concerned might get offended.