The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134560   Message #3067860
Posted By: Valmai Goodyear
05-Jan-11 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: Cornish Wassail
Subject: RE: Cornish Wassail
Thanks for the songs, Dick and Anahata. We've got a wassail night at the Lewes Saturday Folk Club on 8th. January with firelight, candlelight, home-made Twelfth Cake and a wassail bowl. Entrance is £3 and everyone's welcome, especially if you'd like to sing or play.

There will be wassail and winter songs, plus a few unexploded carols which people haven't been able to relieve themselves of because the snow cancelled a lot of events this year.

I'm trying to learn The Miraculous Harvest, but won't do it unless it's properly bedded in by Saturday. It's part of the Child ballad The Carnal and the Crane and appears in the Oxford Book of Carols with a wonderful tune.

Valmai (Lewes)