The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134769   Message #3068397
Posted By: olddude
06-Jan-11 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: original vaccine-autism study fraudulent
Subject: RE: BS: original vaccine-autism study fraudulent
Well it doesn't take a scientific study to convince the folks I know that the shot cause it. Two specific cases where the family's child was perfect, doc said right on track with all the development markers, then, two weeks after the shot the child disappears into autism.

Shot probably doesn't cause it, but maybe some kids the shot triggers something else that does .. who knows .. mercury contained in the shot as a preservative I think can't be that great for a child. 32 shots by the second year of life ... I like the idea, vaccinate against the big threats .. if your kid is healthy, mumps is not going to hurt your kid. We all had it, we all survived just fine. If you kid is not healthy sure get the full ride. Me I error on the side of caution.   1-150 kids today with autism ... something is going on who knows