The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134378   Message #3069246
Posted By: Rapparee
07-Jan-11 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: Catspaw needs lots of good thoughts-see new thread
Subject: RE: Catspaw needs lots of good thoughts UPDATE 6 Jan
Paul was John Bunyan's brother. John wrote that awful book, and Paul "disgraced the family" (as the family history says) by hanging around with some blues babe. Ollie Cromwell finally tired of Paul always putting him down and had him chopped -- didn't even ax him. Paul high-lined outa there to the Colonies (and took the babe with him), where he lined up a job cutting trees chop-chop. The rest is history: Paul went on to be a big, big man and John also made some progress.