The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134693   Message #3069814
Posted By: Ed T
08-Jan-11 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism
Pete, If you are really interested in Kant, there are likely summaries that can easily be found through a Google search. Someone may be able to help you get a summary. But one "to your liking" and interest level should not be that difficult to find.

However, Kant dedicated much of his life and career to religious philosophy (or related persuits). I don't believe he summarized his considerable works. To capture it all, (if you are interested) you may wish to go into a "deeper" read. I believe you may find his material interesting and thought provoking, as Kent would also.

I attach a link that may assist you. However, parts may require a "slow read" to get his concepts. But, to get a summary, you can either pick the parts you are interested in, or skip the areas that require more effort and time to read.

Good luck
