The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346   Message #3071060
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Jan-11 - 01:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
I was being restrained in my question about wiring - I had originally written about the kitchen and a couple of other areas, then dropped it out, thinking I was getting ahead of things.

Plugs in many places are what I like. And if you're putting in an island, I'd get one of those brass floor plugs mounted flush with the tile or planks or whatever the flooring will be, so that you can run power to the island without stringing an extension cord from the side of the room.

I like counter space to be somewhat open most of the time, so I keep many of my appliances on a chrome wire cart and a set of baker's shelves, and bring them over to the counters when I need them. That said, there are some holidays when it seems like everything needs to run at once, and then I'm glad to have outlets with every segment of the counters to spread out on. Bread machine to mix dough, counter top blender, roaster oven, convection oven, mixers, etc. My microwave and blender are always out in the same places, everything else lives out of the way until needed. (I remember when my Dad had Song Circle meet at his house, he had his tiny kitchen and dining area set up with crock pots, coffee makers, etc. and I think he had to run a couple of those electrical taps, but those can blow a circuit.) Appropriate technology.

I have been a fan of Roger Ebert for years, and even though he has a stomach tube now, he still regularly blogs about cooking. (He wants us to enjoy it for him!) And one of his favorite appliances is a rice cooker. I followed him far enough down that culinary rabbit hole a while back that I went ahead and bought one for myself. It can do a lot more than just cook rice, so if you haven't already tried one, it might be a good item on the wish list when it comes to people wanting to send useful house warming gifts. (I picked up a Cuisinart one that has a stainless steel steamer basket that fits over the top and I love it.) I set it up as close to the stove as possible when I use it, to let the steam go out through the stove hood.

I've lived in houses and apartments without good ventilation, and hated it when the house filled up with the smell of every cooked meal. If you don't mind putting a hole through the roof, or out the side wall, have an exhaust fan that really does exhaust.

I'll stop there.