The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134861   Message #3071940
Posted By: Lox
11-Jan-11 - 05:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Toning it down'...
Subject: RE: BS: 'Toning it down'...
"Doesn't do any good when people keep gouging away at it."

The problem with modern politics, in particular the reason for the current polarization of politics, isn't too much debate, but a lack of it.

Healthy democracy depends on the electorate participating.

All issues, ESPECIALLY the sensitive ones, need to be fully debated.

This idea that we should all stop arguing for fear that it might turn into violence is giving in to the tactics of fear and intimidation.

If you stop debating to avoid violence, then you prove that there is a culture of terror developing and that you are its first victim.

Millions of people have died protecting these essential freedoms, and to give them up now because others are trying to scare you to do so is to allow the ideologies that they fought against to regain strength and take hold in the collective consciousness once more.

You absolutely MUST NOT stop debating - whatever you do.

This isn't about hatred of people, its about recognizing the power of an evil idea and standing up to it and exposing it every time you see it.

It doesn't matter who vocalizes it - ordinary men and women have, on mass, been driven to do unspeakable things by ideas that have taken root in their minds.

So no offence to anyone on this planet, but if you are the mouthpiece for destructive hate filled ideologies, I must take an adversarial stance against you - not because II dislike you, but because the idea must be met and exposed for what it really is.


Speak your mind and tell the truth.