The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346 Message #3072012
Posted By: maeve
11-Jan-11 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Thank you all. We're both finding it difficult to focus on future needs while we're still just managing survival. The ideas we are able to plan for may take months or years to become reality, so all of these different descriptions are quite helpful in making those plans. We appreciate the thought that has clearly gone into all recommendations posted here; wiring and lighting, tools and appliances, use of space, innovative storage solutions, etc.
We like to cook and clean up together when possible, so will need to think through how work stations can be managed. We'll only have the wood stove for heating and cleaning for now, so need to remember to factor in the eventual space for and purchase of a propane stove and tank and a good refrigerator, as well. We have a stack of charming antique and vintage cabinet doors in storage, so may be able to have some basic cabinet carcasses made for them.