The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20801   Message #3072090
Posted By: GUEST,roderick warner
11-Jan-11 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: Remember Les Cousins, in London's Soho?
Subject: RE: Remember Les Cousin's, in London's Soho?
Paris Nat was English from a Jewish background, as I remember. The 'Paris' bit came about because he busked in Paris in the early sixties or maybe even before. He used to knock around with a man called Ralph Levene who wrote a cult classic book called 'The Camel's Back.' He was a great guy with a sharp - if mordant - wit and brilliantly compered the Albert Hall Buskers Concert in 1969 (put on by Don Partridge). Some time afterwards he won a lot of money on the horses and bought a house in Colchester where he had been living with his wife, Jane, when he wasn't out busking in Paris and in London (where he used to play a lot with Meg Aikman). Sadly he died sometime in the early seventies - don't remember the exact date as I was out the country a lot during that period.