The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346   Message #3072188
Posted By: maeve
11-Jan-11 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)

Steps down to the basement...
Yes, when we can afford them. We don't dare use the basement as part of the living space. Taxes would be more than we can afford. We're also planning for one level living so any guests with mobility issues and we as we age don't have to navigate stairs. Thanks for the idea, anyway.

"Are ya'll fully enclosed yet???..."
We are fully enclosed as far as having the skylight, roof, wall panels, and yurt windows and doors in and sealed. As I was talking about a couple of posts ago, TL and I still have the 35 open wall seam with weather blocking strips to overlap, staple and tape, and 35 sets each of top of wall trim, exterior vertical trim, fascia including extended eave barge fascia, and such. All call for compressor and various nail/brad/stapleguns which we are tracking down. Then we have caulking and spray foam sealing to do. Then the yurt will be weather tight for sure.

"BTW, there's a ton of "R Factor" in cheap 6 mil plastic..."
I'm glad you mentioned that. We told our contractor we'd be doing that until we can get wiring, plumbing, and blown cellulose in place. He tried hard to push us into rushing the wiring/plumbing step to get the insulation in, saying the plastic wouldn't make any difference. Fortunately, we are standing our ground and will take the time needed to plan and install all systems correctly. The wall insulation will be scheduled after the systems are in, the rest of the contractor tasks will all wait for when we can pay for them.

Thanks, everyone. Perhaps I won't lose my mind just yet.