The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346   Message #3072307
Posted By: Bobert
11-Jan-11 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Crap.... As part of gettin' ready to move we sold (ha, gave away) a nice old dining table (5 leaves) that could be used as either a round table (52 inch diameter) and open up to seat up to 12...

Grrrrr.... It only brought $50 at auction but alot of other stuff brought crazy $$$$ so everything kinda balanced out...

BTW, as a home owner, can you pull yer own electrical permit??? If so, wiring is really purdy easy and if ya' have a "main breaker" in yer panel then wiring in the other breakers is a piece of cake... Of course, ol' hillbilly doesn't much care about "main breakers" 'cause I been doing it all my life... But this, at least gives you lectrical where you need it...

I assume yer going to put the panel in the basement??? No??? There are advantages to having it there... BTW, seein' as you aren't going to have too many interior walls you are going to find that floor plugs work really well... The problem with them is that they are expensive (like $40 each with metal cover plates) so shop around if yer gonna need several...

BTW, I think I have the triple walled stove pipe thingy for going thru the roof so if ya'll don't have it, I might try to hunt it down... Yes, it's stainless...
