The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134861   Message #3072511
Posted By: Donuel
11-Jan-11 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Toning it down'...
Subject: RE: BS: 'Toning it down'...
Bobert, shh im already in the woods piggy backin on someones wireless...

Iffn you havent heard, the fundamentalists across the street have already attempted murder. Doncha remember the fire bombs?
Or did you think that wasnt real?

I got a back up plan though ;`)

here's my manisfesto

Starting with today Glen Beck taught me to restore America by standing up and taking my country back and then have the courage to cowboy up and change the CONSTITUTION.

My history with talk radio was only spotty with hearing Rush Limbaugh a few times before the Iraq invasion. But by the time we started shock and awe I was glued to WMAL and learned that Iraq had less than 2% of the world's oil and that nerve gas and nuclear weapons in the hands of Saddam Hussein was insane.

I began to depend on talk radio which was now going by the name of shock radio. By listening religiously I got the translations of what George Bush really meant and understood the great changes in America in which 9-11 became like the year 0 in which everything has changed.

I learned about the need for torture, the patriot act, domestic spying, tip lines to report my neighbors and that a person can choose to be a true patriot or a traitor, there is no middle ground. Other countries are either with us or against us. France was against us but it was the Muslim world that was at war with us. They hated us for our FREEDOM.

I heard a more ragged edge on talk radio leading up to McCain's election that was even louder than during the war. To put it politely there was a black man running for President who was neither American nor Christian. Still talk radio seemed more consumed with Hillary and her loony lefty feminazis wanting to tear down everything George Bush and Dick Cheney had built.

About this time I learned about cheap mortgages borrowing on my home, flipping houses and buying gold coins. When suddenly Wall St. tanked and the lost jobs began in earnest I think talk radio dropped the ball and as a result Barak Hussein Obama somehow got elected.
Since then all hell has broken loose, liberals are not just looney anymore they are insane. They are frothing at the mouth. They are trying to kill us. They are not just totally wrong about everything they are evil incarnate. People are starting to stand up. I have learned the office and home addresses of democrats and liberals who need their windows kicked in as well as their teeth since they never shut the hell up. Obama lovers think our bible and guns are our plan B. They are our plan A foundation.

Talk radio has taught me that election fraud by ACORN, Ohio and Illinois is why we have a foreign black man in the White House. Now he has already set up death panels, cut and run from Iraq and is bringing back the National Socialist Party and have begun building concentration camps. We have to stand up America, we have to be armed and dangerous, we can't let a tyrant like Obama brain wash our children in school and take away our guns at home.

Today Obama has taken away all the jobs, bailed out the banks and bought GM and other companies for their own socialist party. Fifteen minutes after the Tucson rampage by the pot smoking lefty, the insane liberals began exploiting the tragedy for their political gains. They want our guns, they want to end free speech for talk radio. Everything is coming to pass that Rush, Hannity, Levin, Beck and O'Reilly have prophesized. We have to fight back. Remember like G. Gordon Liddy says, "shoot for the head, jack booted thugs wear body armor".   

And Buy Gold!