The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134630   Message #3072995
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
12-Jan-11 - 11:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Welcome 2011: Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome 2011: Declutter & Accountability
Andrea, I would put vegetables in the front yard. Depending on how formal or informal you want it to look, you have a lot of choices. I learned last year that the arboretum in Dallas used Swiss Chard as the edge around several gardens. It is a lovely plant that comes in many colors, all of them edible. Garlic, onions, they are as elegant as any iris leaves, etc. Some of the determinate tomatoes (they ripen all at once then the plant is finished) don't get so big and straggly as the indeterminate varieties I usually plant.

I cleared out a drawer of paper in my kitchen queen and found stuff I'd forgotten about ages ago. It is now in a basket in the office area where I can see it. I have a several-years supply of post-it notes I didn't know about. The drawer in the kitchen queen now holds a variety of ornaments that I don't use in my tree or mantle displays, but would work okay in a table centerpiece in the holiday season. One more drawer to empty (batteries) and store somewhere a little more logical and easy to find.

Got down to 20 last night. The sun is coming out now, but I don't think we'll get above 32o today. My canine pack is sleeping in the bedroom right now, but they'll wake and be bored eventually, so I'll have to park them in the bathroom for a while or send them out to the garage. I left the heater on high out there - it doesn't warm the room, it just keeps it from freezing.