The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134693   Message #3073345
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-Jan-11 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism
I just find it interesting to explore different avenues of conventional thought and observe how people get rigidly wedded to either one form of conventionality (traditional science) or another form of conventionality (traditional religion) and then they fight with each other about it. They get quite fierce about it. My goodness, what a lot of energy spent to so little effect.

The problem here is that your statement (unconsciously? How would I know?) accords the same status to traditional science and traditional religion. The people who tend to "get fierce" about this (as they have done now for several millennia) are all on the religion side. 'Tis they whose backs are to the wall as science closes in evermore on those mysteries that religion relies so much on. What you dismiss as something apparently not worth expending energy on is actually the most crucial battle humanity faces, at least (but not by any means exclusively) in the field of intellectual advance. I think that's worth fighting for. And my simple and sole weapon is my argument that everything that we decide to be true should be based on evidence. Let's put blind faith where it belongs. In books of fairytales.