The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134568   Message #3073437
Posted By: Charley Noble
12-Jan-11 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: ...looks like snow for many
Subject: RE: BS: ...looks like snow for many
Evidently my previous post got lost in a whiteout!

Here in Richmond< Maine, I find that as fast as I clear the entry walks and driveway, the wind fills them in. We've got about a foot and a half of light fluffy stuff blowing around. The person who plows our driveway was about half an hour late. So I and the resident tenant spent the extra time meditating in our cars. Then Judy showed up from work (they let her out two hours early) and decided to park out front rather than trying to jump the snowbank with her Camry. When the plow did show up everything worked out well. He plowed an escape route for our embedded cars and we sped out and then he cleared the whole driveway. Probably by tomorrow morning it will be filled in again.

The resident cats are not amused. "Where is that door that opens to spring?"

Charley Noble