The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134861   Message #3073581
Posted By: Lox
13-Jan-11 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Toning it down'...
Subject: RE: BS: 'Toning it down'...

No offence to you.

Look at this through my telescope.

America is in political turmoil - the solution?

1. Don't participate.

2. "feel" the emotion of a song about America which has no meaningful content.

You know what?

America has been heading further and further down that road for years.

There is an absence of political debate beause of a combination of "soundbite" political debate, all performed to a soundtrack of weepy, stirring, tear jerking, meaningless music sung by "perfect" looking women playing stereotyped characters (in this case "celtic women").

America thinks it exists in a disney movie, with all the drama, tears and over the top emotional manipulation of the viewer as could possibly be contrived.

Its the same here in the UK - people are so addicted to getting their "cry-gasm" fix that they willingly get swept along in the utterly fake manufactured emotion of the X-Factor or American Idol.

Movies and News have become uindistinguishable as purveyors of emotional Porn - you can cut to the money scene and feel the same way as if you'd watched the whole movie - all thats necessary is the music and the hammed up acting.

Politics and Romance are not good bed fellows.

I would go as far as to say that if the devil is in politics, then his worst face is his romantic one.

The one that inspires Catholics to bomb protestants, and Protestants to shoot catholics, and the BNP to target minoriities, and Minorities to hate whites, and that inspires Americans to save the world, and that inspires Islamists to blow themselves up and all those aroud them, or Israelis to flatten Gaza.

This is the real world.

The deaths are real.

They are usually innocents and often children.

Miss Gifford is fighting for her life, but a 9 year old girl died.

It is not time for the debate to be toned down, but time for the emotional posturing to be turned OFF, and for the self indulgent tear duct masturbation to be dealt with by a shrink.

Is this deliberate hypnotism of the masses? or do we choose it for oureselves?

Probably a bit of both - one isn't possible without the other.

But the answer is NOT to stop the debate and start getting all teary whilst coaxing out the emotions with the warblings of a Simon Cowell style marketing scam, but the exact opposite.