The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25889   Message #307384
Posted By: Ebbie
28-Sep-00 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Subject: RE: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Here in southeast Alaska we're deep into autumn. Our most common tree is the Sitka spruce with a smattering of hemlock but we have sparse saplings of maple and willow, clusters of mountain ash with bright red berries piled high, big cottonwood poplar, and lots and lots of alder, most configured in 'alder hells', mixed in. All the deciduous trees have turned colors of gold and brown and rose and burgundy. Flocks of American robins that here live in the forest rather than in town are raiding the mountain ash berries. Soon the Brewers Waxwings will stop off on their migration south and strip off the last of the berries. They must enjoy the thought of the 'Berry Cafe' they know they'll find here.

There are three cottonwoods lining my lawn and it's high time to rake the leaves. I like leaves dropping onto green grass so I always let them stay until they start the second layer and then I rake like crazy for a few days. And again and again.

The two very best things about this area, in my mind, is #1, the people, and #2, the sweet, moist, pure air so cool on your face; at this time of year, it's redolent with the season's ripeness.
