The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134861   Message #3073843
Posted By: Donuel
13-Jan-11 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Toning it down'...
Subject: RE: BS: 'Toning it down'...
I would refudiate that Sarah Palin intended to insinuize that the false accussationing of the murderage of the young Christian girl was alledgedly done by Jews to either drink her blood or kinda enslave.

I think she just kinda doesn;t know a whole lot, but thats OK cuz theres a whole buncha junk she does know about, you betcha.

to the tune Favorite things

Pit bulls with lipstick
and big mama grizzles
dresses from Nordstrum
and pissing off lefties
There is a lot Sarah Palin can do
Just don't you ask her to list them for you

When the news stings
when the vote swings
when she's feelin low
she is reminded of favorite things
and makes up a new low blow.