The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134568   Message #3074169
Posted By: Beer
13-Jan-11 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: ...looks like snow for many
Subject: RE: BS: ...looks like snow for many
All joking aside I hope it does ease up for you. For some reason we have not had any of this past week's weather that you folks have been experiencing. It has literally gone around us. I certainly don't mine, but hay!. February and march can be bitches and we may end up with lots of the white stuff. It is not the white stuff that bothers me about winter. Lots of it against your house is actually a good insulator. What I don't like is when it gets around 25/35 Celsius. I forget what that is in Fahrenheit.
That folks is good for nothing but crawling in bed and making love. Not such a bad idea eh!