The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134861   Message #3074978
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
15-Jan-11 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Toning it down'...
Subject: RE: BS: 'Toning it down'...
Donuel, Your point is well understood, and so are your feelings..but I'm telling you, and anyone else who has the ears to hear, if we jump on board the 'anger and retribution train' we have disarmed ourselves of the very thing we have to fight back..and that is speaking to the hearts, and emotions of peace, that lies in most all humans...SOMEWHERE.
Being as we are musicians..and some of us even virtuosic, the choice has been entrusted with us, to KNOW what we are supposed to be doing, especially in these times of unrest. It is not to participate in either of the sides, but rather PLAY, with everything that lays within you. Practice, Practice, Practice... till your muscle memory, is locked in..the rest is up to being in touch with the very inner connection, that delivers the images and emotions, that bring peace, to your audience, or listener. If you lock it in, REALLY tight, paying attention to every nano-second of timber, phrasing, and can speak more effective words, than you'd ever be able to express, in a mere opinion..or anger, indignation, fear, even with a 'righteous' cause. its not just 'chops' but the ability to communicate directly to the central nervous system, of your listeners. The ears are the most direct way into the central nervous system...and what people listen to, directly affects their moods, and thoughts. I know it is a narrow path, to walk with iron discipline,..but, that is the way it came down to some of a gift...use it, to point the way...Not to 'enlisting' in one side or the other,(they both have screws loose!), but rather lift people OUT of the fray, to give them the space to see and think clearly. The rest will come to them...but give them a shot, when they hear your stuff. Give them rest, from all the crap that is inundating everyone!

I've said this in total support of your musical calling...and am only sharing with you what works, as you may know, and in no way, am I speaking condescendingly...and I have an idea, that you know what I've said to be true, inside you, as well.

Imploring You Passionately,(..'and may the force be with you'!)