The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134630   Message #3075486
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
16-Jan-11 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Welcome 2011: Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome 2011: Declutter & Accountability
As a rank newcomer to this thread, I have tried not to jump in with both feet but that is the way I seem to live my life. I hope you will bear with me as I bring you up to date on my never-boring life.

In the last 12 years, I have moved from a a little old farmhouse – with barn and sheds) in the middle of 100 acres of Ontario bush, to a charming seven room working class craftsman style bungalow (maybe a Sears house) in SE Penna with garage and small shed, to a former chicken house, beautifully renovated, and a storage unit, on Whidbey Island then a 4 room single wide in the woods with sheds, back porch and greenhouse for a pottery studio, also on Whidbey. Each place I left, there was tons of stuff left behind for others, recycling or, last resort, the dump.

Just two years ago, I was faced with yet another move as my landlady died and the property was being sold. That May, I tried to move to a charming place where I would be doing care for a 90 year old woman in exchange for housing. My wonderful air cleaner spent two weeks laboring to no avail. I could not move into a dust filled, hence toxic, space. I stood on the grass at the edge of the lovely woods and said to myself, "Well, then, being homeless, I shall use rent money to drive to Quebec for the Apple Hollow Music Fest." So I did.

My stay with friends of 40 years, in their loft, turned into caring for their 95 year old Dad until he died. By then I had connected in a meaningful way with one of the brothers. We moved to his house, vacant for years, damaged by water from the fire next door and frozen pipes and the floor being eaten by powder post beetles – hence I put my foot through it last month! And full of Victorian antiques – furniture and non-furniture (stuff which really does NOT belong in a small city house.

Declutter: We went to Whidbey in November and brought back my remaining stuff --what had not been broken or taken or left to rot in the field when the tarp blew off. I am moderately grieving some of the losses – pottery kiln and a couple Quebec antiques I had had over 40 years. It is stored in a portable garage in the back yard.

Being mindful of what has meaning to Rob, I am careful of how far I go in decluttering. I would love to sweep through the house like the north wind. I settle for developing small oases of beauty.

So, for me decluttering means sorting through my own things and disposing of some and integrating some and putting some of both mine and his into boxes back in the shed to be reconsidered together when the house is more together. This includes the someday project of ripping out the entire kitchen – to the exterior walls and down to the basement to, hopefully, eliminate the bugs and have a kitchen which does not even look as though it is falling into the cellar!! Decluttering is happening centimeter by centimeter.

As in, a friend stopped in on Monday, bemoaning the discovery of a dead rat in her stove drawer. In considering the crisis this was presenting for her, I gave her a packet of sweet grass, suggesting a ceremonial cleaning of the air in her lovely home. Her knowledge of native people's customs made this amenable to her and I got rid of a piece of "clutter" in a very positive way!

We have started to regain the second floor since the tenant has not been heard from in over two months! We moved the nine foot tree up there last week so it now has room to spread its limbs. This week, Rob cleaned the upstairs tub. It took most of a day and a half, including finding, and cleaning incredible crud out of, the pump for the whirlpool. I was able to take a hot detox bath on my birthday! Oh joy!! I have been successfully staving off flu-ish type symptoms with vit C and Pau d'Arco tincture. MSM/glucosamine, depending on need, keep my hips happy. D, calcium and B6 complete my current supplement regime.

Weds, I found the shower curtain rod purchased at a yard sale last summer and then a curtain at the thrift shop, brand new with rings! This trip, to the burbs, was also to deliver two excess chairs to a friend who could use them. Rob had his detox bath on Weds aft!

Then the police took umbrage with his truck, sending it for inspection. Two pages of repairs sent him online to find a "new" truck. While he did that in the kitchen, I set up my sewing machine (circa 1954) on the desk, found it in sore need of maintenance after two years in storage, went to Fabricville for oil, gave it tender loving care and it now runs like new. Oh joy!! Then I got onto the repairs: new elastics on 3 long johns and a new zipper for my ski jacket and more. Oh happiness! Also replaced buttons on two garments, finally!

Today we picked up the newer – not falling apart – truck. He is way ahead! This truck cost less than the repairs would have, everything works and it has snow tires. The old one can offer parts. We are HAPPY!! The old one was so bad I would not drive it or ride in it. Now I want my own key!

We also spent a good deal of time, over these two days, at reno stores designing a 4X4 foot portable powder room for a commercial tenant! Honest! He has the technical logistics in hand and just needed the interior which has to look good.

Amidst all this, I made black bean/salsa dip or soup, split pea soup and a double batch of spaghetti sauce - half went in the freezer. We eat a generally low carb diet, very little bread, potatoes or pasta; lots of veggies. Spaghetti is an infrequent meal but the sauce is mostly used as a taste treat in our morning omelette. After today's restaurant brunch (1 pm) we brought home all the toast; I'll use it for french toast tomorrow.

This eve while Rob is working, I have caught up with mudcat threads. Tomorrow I can continue with the getting rid of excess paper, sorting, filing and think about scanning family photos for my sons.

So, there you have me, right up to the minute. I promise not to write so much again.