The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135039   Message #3076823
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Jan-11 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: How the Bible altered how we speak
Subject: RE: BS: How the Bible altered how we speak
I say "sufficient unto the day" so frequently that my missus gets annoyed. Gawd knows what version that comes from. I give not a hoot. What I would say is that you can't really "not believe" in the Bible. It's there for the taking or leaving and there's no doubt that a good deal of it can enlighten us as to the misdeeds of those who inhabited past times. One must unashamedly cherry pick, however. Jesus wasn't all that bad, a good man of his times as long as you take with a pinch of salt some of the claims attributed to him. Unless he was really a committee, of course.