The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118496   Message #3077563
Posted By: HWinWindies
18-Jan-11 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: 2009 Obit: Matt Armour (Great Knight Folk Club)
Subject: RE: Obit: Matt Armour (Great kNight Folk Club)Feb 2009
I have only just picked up this thread, and was stunned to read of Matt's death.
I was an attendee, with my sister at the Cutty Wren in Totton as a teenager, and then left folk for years til I moved to Milton Keynes, and everywhere we went to watch, listen or occasionally sing, there was Matt.
He was INVOLVED in the living tradition, in a way that touched so many.
It is with sadness, that I read of his passing, but with great joy and thanks that I met him, that I will remember him and the positive impact he made on all who met him.
Thanks Matt.
Harry Whitcher