The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25650   Message #307782
Posted By: GUEST,sybil
28-Sep-00 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: Anyone here had to recite?
Subject: RE: Anyone here had to recite - Part 2
Rats! They fought the dogs and killed the cats. And killed the babies in their cradles, And ate the cheese out of the vats, And drank the soup from the cooks own ladles. Split open the kegs of salted sprats, Made nests inside men's Sunday hats And even spoiled the women's meeting By drowning their speaking in shrieking and squeaking In fifty different sharps and flats.

Grade 5 and it still rolls off the tongue full of sibilants. Robert Browning from the Pied Piper of Hamelyn. We did the daffodils of course. But what I really like from those days are the clapping, skipping and other rhymes from the schoolyard like-

Nobody likes me Everybody hates me Think I'll go and eat some worms Big ones, small ones, skinny ones fat ones Worms that squiggle and squirm Rip their heads off Suck their blood and throw their skins away Nobody knows how I enjoy eating worms three times a day.