The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24959   Message #307810
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
28-Sep-00 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Missing Tunes Wanted - Part III
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Missing Tunes Wanted - Part III
More midis to go to Alan after the Olympics:

THE PAINFUL PLOUGH filename[ PAINPLOW  Text transcribed from a record by Louis Killen; no mention made of his source.  There is, however, a set of the song in The Painful Plough (Roy Palmer, Cambridge University Press, 1972) which is textually close enough for it to be reasonable to suppose that the tune is close, too; I've made a midi of that.  Palmer took it from English Folk-Songs (W.A. Barrett, 1891). His final two verses are different from Killen's:

Behold the wealthy merchant that trades in foreign seas,
And brings forth gold and treasure for those that live at ease,
With finest silks and spices, and fruits and dainties too,
They are brought from the Indies by virtue of the plough.

For they must have bread, biscuit, rice pudding, flour and peas,
To feed the jolly sailors as they sail o'er the seas,
Yet ev'ry man that brings them here will own to what is true-
He cannot sail the ocean without the painful plough.

AN ACRE OF LAND filename[ ACRELAND  The note in the DT describes this as the version that Ralph Vaughan Williams had from Frank Bailey (of Coombe Bissett, Wiltshire), in 1904.  The verses certainly are, but Bailey's refrain, There goes this ivery has been changed to Ivy, sing Ivery somewhere along the line.  Midi made from Bailey's tune as given in Bushes & Briars, ed. Roy Palmer, 1983/1999.  The DT file gives the song Child number #46 (Captain Wedderburn's Courtship), which is wrong; it should be #2 (The Elfin Knight).

THE HIELAND LADDIE filename[ HIELNLAD  This is the song on which Burns based his As I came o'er the Cairney Mount, and is set to a tune called As I came o'er the Cairney Mount or The Highland Lassie.  Midi made from the notation in Burns: Poems and Songs (James Kinsley, 1969).  There is a final verse not given in the DT:

But our ammunition being spent,
And we quite out of breath an' sweating,
We did agree with ae consent,
To fight it out at our next meeting.

It would appear that HIELAND LADDIE filename[ GLASGPG3 is also sung to this tune, though it should be noted that Jean Redpath has a different melody, which again fits both, and which she says comes from the Orpheus Caledonius (Thomson, 1725).

HUSH YE MY BAIRNIE filename[ HUSHYEB  Taken from a record by Gordon Bok; no source is named, which is a pity as it's the English language version, written by Malcolm MacFarlane, of the Scots Gaelic song Cagaran Gaolach.  A few mistakes have crept in, either on Mr. Bok's part or on that of the transcriber.  In verse 1, "Lift me a coney a goat and a wether" should be "Lift me a coo, and a goat, and a wether"; in verse two, "Bonny wee laddie" should be "Bonny wee lammie; verse 3 has been muddled up and the rhymes lost; MacFarlane's original reads:

Hush ye, my bairnie, my bonnie wee dearie;
Sleep! come and close the een, heavy and wearie;
Closed are the wearie een, rest are ye takin'-
Soun' be yer sleepin', and bright be yer wakin'.

Some other changes have been made, presumably because Mr. Bok didn't feel comfortable with the Scots expressions; this is fair enough where the sense is not compromised, so I don't feel any great need to point them out.  I should point out that MacFarlane's version is not a literal translation of the Gaelic.  See also CAGARAN GAOLACH filename[ CAGARAN, which does give a translation, though there are a few differences between the Scottish text and this one, which is a less complete Cape Breton variant.  I'm not sure whether or not someone has made a midi for the latter (or indeed whether the tune is the same, though I would imagine that it is), so I've done one anyway, from the notation in Moffat's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Highlands.  

I WOULD THAT THE WARS WERE ALL DONE filename[ WARDONE  Collected by Sabine Baring Gould and published in A Garland of Country Song, 1895.  Midi made from the notation in that book.  The DT text is taken from a record by Roy Harris, and omits the second verse (which Harris presumably did not sing):

"Oh violet, in-vi'late, the oath it may prove,
My lover swore to me, when in the green grove;
In France and in Flanders are maidens as well,
Will Robin prove fickle and false to his Nell?

AGHADOE filename[ AGHADOE  Verses by John Todhunter; I don't know whether or not he wrote the tune.  Midi made from the notation in A.P. Graves' Irish Songbook, 1922 edition.  The DT set has its "glens" mixed up with its "glades", and its "secrets" with its "silents", and, more importantly, should read, not "Where I hid", but "Where I hid him.


ALL UNDER THE LEAVES filename[ SVNVIRG2  No source named, so we may never know what tune this version was sung to, but see a close enough version, SEVEN VIRGINS (The Leaves Of Life) filename[ SVNVIRG, which has a tune, SVNVIRG.mid, which will have to serve.

ANGUS HEMPSTEAD filename[ ANGUSHEM  is a parody of A fair maid walking all in her garden; unless somebody comes up with the precise tune used by Grit Laskin, the midi Snuffy made for FAIR MAID WALKING filename[ JREILLY5 will have to do.  By the way, Snuffy; you indicate the tempo as Q:1/4=120; isn't that a little fast?  The very similar version collected by the Hammond brothers 1n Dorset in the same year (1906)is a lot slower.
