The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3078722
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
20-Jan-11 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
My husband is a Muslim and black. We expected to find a little bit of racism about his colour, but on the contrary everyone is friendly and helpful to him, and we haven't detected any racist reaction at all. BUT, when one mentions that he's a Muslim, one can see that people are a bit taken aback. I've had to explain to him that it might be best not to say what his religion is, as after the bombings etc. people are wary. He feels this is odd, as he cannot relate to terrorism in a religious cause, and is personally a very gentle African Muslim. In the town not long ago, an Evangelising Christian, a young lad, accosted us with "So, do you believe in Jesus Christ?" I explained that my husband spoke little English but was in fact a Muslim. I wanted to see his reaction to this, and I was not disappointed. He was quite unpleasant and gave us to understand that as a Muslim he was damned, and only Jesus could save him. He also added that 'Muslims' (not sure which ones he was referring to) were not good people and encouraged terrorism, and that God would 'sort them out soon'. Fortunately, my husband didn't get most of this tirade, but I was appalled. I wondered then, is this how British people actually view all Muslims? And is it fair that my husband should conceal his beliefs to avoid difficulties with bigotry etc.? And should I have said something, would it have done any good? I'm a practising Christian, and our marriage is built on tolerance and acceptance of each other's religions.