The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3078828
Posted By: mauvepink
20-Jan-11 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
... and don't mention P word before that (PAEDOPHILE)
nor the I word before that (IRISH)
nor the G word before that (GAY)
nor the N word before that (NIGGER)
nor the F word before that (FEMINIST)

has there been a time we never had a certain section of the population not being ostracised and treated with great discrimination and hate? All those subjects have at some time caused great injustices and wrongdoings to be imposed because of the actions of a few. All have only ever come to be better understood and, with the exception of paedophilia, tolerated and accepted by greater education and a yearning to unite people. I would argue that while paedophiles are indeed demonised and hated, the problem will not go away on it's own. Only with tolerence, discussion on an open forum, and a willingness to resolve issues, can all these things be overcome and resolved. No one said the discussions would be easy but they are needed.

Maybe the next great attack should be on the H word itself. Hate never does any good, no matter the subject

Extreme fundamentalism of any kind seems to be the common denominator here. Christians have not been innocent in being fundamentalist themselves and willing to kill in their God's name. It could be argued we all have had blood on our hands at some stage in our (countries, societies or religious) history. That does not mean Christianity is inherently bad.Speaking out against anything that is hateful or bad should never be seen as hateful, racist, anti-religious, etc.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God... by whoever's God. What matters is that the basic message of love, understanding and tolerence is not compromised in our quest to bring peace to this planet. Singling out one section of society will not acheive unity ever.

I'll shush
