The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135039   Message #3079052
Posted By: GUEST,Iconoclast 101
20-Jan-11 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: How the Bible altered how we speak
Subject: RE: BS: How the Bible altered how we speak
A footnote...
I recall reading an account a few years ago, possibly marking some significant anniversary of the KJ version, which stated that a great many of the proverbial sayings attributed to the personages portrayed therein were in fact invented by the translators: "scapegoat", "brother's keeper", "salt of the earth", and a dozen or so others, all of which have passed into the common parlance as having the weight of revelation, "Word of God" etc.
So, were Kihg Jas' paid scribes coeval with John'n'Job'n'Jeremiah? "Inspired?" "Talkin' in tongues?" (Walla Walla Bing-Bang!?)
And let us not forget the great man John Wycliffe, and the first great "English Heresy", that of translating said book into the vulgar tongue so ordinary people might read and think for themselves...
And I live in Australia, so indubitably I have none of the usual Angleo or Amerarcane pre judices (Hmmm...!?}
A small greeting to Little Hawk (whomsoever you are) for being the prolific source of lively discussion (and reasoned argument?) on this loverly Mudcat Forum.
Thank You! (and thank you linesmen and ballboys...)
Do any of yez know "The Ballad of Joking Jesus"?