The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135100   Message #3079088
Posted By: Beer
20-Jan-11 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Go Leafs Go
Subject: RE: BS: Go Leafs Go
Sandy, I would take Ballard anytime over Ned Harkness who destroyed the Red Wings in the early 70's. Here is a quote from Wikipedia: "Detroit fans still remember this era as "Darkness with Harkness", one of the worst periods in franchise history". Man do I remember. But only because like you Sandy I am a die heart Red Wing fan. In fact I am watching them on the net as I type.

Gnu, they stopped the bag thing a year ago here in Quebec. They did have a free cloth bag promotion a few weeks before it came into effect. But here is a little story. Nothing to do with "Go Leafs Go' but us Maritimers can relate to it.
I know i was under age but because I had a mustache early i was not questioned at the liquor commission. My sister would ask me to go in the commission to buy her a bottle or case of whatever. Sandy, do you remember that law? Women were not allow to purchase booze in a liquor commission. This would have been around 60/65. I remember how furious my sister was due to this law.
Here is to you fellows.