The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135100 Message #3079149
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
20-Jan-11 - 11:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Go Leafs Go
Subject: RE: BS: Go Leafs Go
Women were also not allowed in taverns back then. As a 17 year old I left Cape Breton for Halifax to continue my education. I spent my spare time with a group of friends, only one of whom was 21 (legal age then). Of the group I was the biggest at 6'2", about 210 pounds and also the youngest. The oldest friend, of legal age , looked younger than any of us. We would go to the tavern, have him enter first and when he was challenged he would produce his drivers license and the rest of us would follow him in with never a question. Those were the days my friend...........