The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20801 Message #3079643
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Bromfield
21-Jan-11 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: Remember Les Cousins, in London's Soho?
Subject: RE: Remember Les Cousin's, in London's Soho?
Hi Roderick and friends from Cousins ,
I think I do remember you and possibly Babs, did she work in Soho? do a fire eating act? no maybe not. Frank Brown and I were very good friends we shared a bedsit around Mornington Cres. He used to busk with a Gibson 12 string with six strings on which I liked (giving a wide neck) I used to borrow it to play at the Abbey Rd. Studios.
I use to 'crash' at Les Bridger's place as well, he was a very hospitable chap. Are you still in touch with Frank? I would love to get in touch with him again also with Les.
I have much more to write about Cousins, Al Stewart, Judeth Piepe, Alexis Korner, John Baldry and many more.