The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135123   Message #3079973
Posted By: InOBU
22-Jan-11 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: The concept of 'punishment'
Subject: RE: BS: The concept of 'punishment'
I've worked in American Origional Nations, commonly refered to as "Indian" nations, some of whom have no concept of punnishment. Rather when there is a breach of social expectations there is an examination of the relationship is caused or broke. If the breach is unfixable, then there is a split into a new band.
Frankly... I think it works much better than punishment.
For Silas... often the person punished is the victem. I immidiatly think of Willy Francis, exicuted in Florida, survived as the electric chair burned him but shorted out... he was then, a year latter exicuted and died, and latter found to be innocent.
In the US, the standard of advocacy, even in capitol cases, envolving marginalized communities is pitiful.
All the very best